Thickear Artist Collective talk – end of year talk & mince pies @ Lighthouse

Thickear and the Ministry of Measurements

Thickear and the Ministry of Measurements

visit to find out more…

Limited Edition data print from the Ministry of Measurements, Brighton tour
Ministry of Measurements limited edition data print - 20/40, Brighton

Ministry of Measurements limited edition data print – 20/40, Brighton

Thickear and the Ministry of Measurements

My first html, yay

check out my very first webpage written in html! thanks paul bunkham for showing us this today!!!

spotty pony

my h1 section

this text is the strong bit

my h2 subsection

this is the italic bit

my h3 subsection

spotty pony main text paragraph

this is my 1st bit of superscript html

and this is my subscript

time for a…
line break

I need to quote the artist, so I’m using a block quote indentation

“well, i do like a nice cup of tea with my words…” fiona banner

on to the next level – h4


this is my special html symbol entity ∞

i need to link this up, here’s my link

Now I’ll link to fiona banner’s website

Digital Human – Wander

This is one of a series of programmes on Radio 4.

Aleks Krotoski explores whether technology has impaired our ability to wander. Now that off-grid is on-grid, and we can send emails from mountaintops, have we sacrificed the pleasure of travelling to discover the unknown? Produced by Victoria McArthur and researched by Elizabeth Anne Duffy in Edinburgh.

sarah lucas interview

This is an excerpt from here:

Sarah Lucas laughs when I ask her about the badge she’s wearing, on a baggy tweed jacket, and says she’s wearing it because she “likes it”. She looks like someone who wears what she wants. In the photos she put in her exhibitions when she really was what she’ll always be called, which is a Young British Artist, she often looked, as Damien Hirst also said, like a “bloke”. In the doorway of the shop in the East End she had for six months with Tracey Emin, or standing in front of a brick wall with a giant fish, or sitting on a floor behind a skull, or puffing away, as she almost always seemed to, on a fag, she looked, in her big jackets, big jeans and big boots, as if she was trying quite hard to look like a man.
